A very smart and handsome man (some of you may know him as the owner of Unbroken Fitness Solutions) once told me that “failing to plan is planning to fail”. This premise can apply to every aspect of your life from day to day tasks, work, finances, household duties and health and fitness. If you’re aren’t planning your day to be able to get your workout in and you aren’t planning your nutrition through meal prep and nutrition tracking, you are planning to fail to meet your goals.
Earlier this week, as I stood at the counter eating Lucky Charms for dinner because I was too ravenous to cook and had nothing prepared or planned, I was reminded of this little saying “failing to plan is planning to fail”. I could have had a nutritious meal that fit into my meal plan had I planned before I was too hungry to think and started making poor nutrition decisions. Like a convicting voice in my ear, I was again reminded of this when my Wednesday evening workout was less than exciting because I hadn’t taken the time to plan my workout schedule for the week. I went into it knowing I was going to work out but with no idea even what body part I intended to hit, let alone what I was going to do. I made each circuit up as I went and got a decent workout but with less intensity than I like to bring. Had I planned earlier in the day, that day’s workout would have been far more effective.
Our busy lives require us to plan and prioritize when we know there are a million responsibilities and tasks to get done. Prioritizing your fitness and nutrition is paramount to succeeding in all areas of life; giving you more energy, higher self esteem and a greater ability to focus, making you an unstoppable force in all of the other things you have to get done that day.
Studies have indicated that a lack of planning can often lead to feeling overwhelmed, starting a cycle of neither planning nor taking appropriate action to accomplish your tasks or meet your goals. Fitness and nutrition can be overwhelming as you navigate where to start and how to progress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by where to start with your fitness plan and how to execute to meet your goals, reach out to Unbroken Fitness Solutions. We have numerous options to engage with us, from our website, providing resources to build your own plan to personal one on one training and a lot of options in between.